High School Goals

Brasher Falls Central School District

St. Lawrence Central High School Goals

School Year

Goal 1:            Student Achievement  - RRR  -  High School

The Brasher Falls Central School Board of Education will promote continual improvement of curriculum and instruction through focus upon Rigor, Relevance and Relationships in learning and instruction.

Strategy:         To increase student learning in Quad D instruction and activities.

Strategy:         To analyze and improve relationships with students and community in order to increase student achievement.

Target:             Decrease the number of courses students are retaking in summer school by 5% (58 to 55 courses).


Relationships -

Leader in Me - 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens


Quad D lesson implementation

Implementation Steps

Opening Day(s) the Principal will provide an Overview of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens to the staff and students - Link to summary from

Sean Covey on Power of Relationships Video - 

●        Be Proactive

●        Begin With the End in Mind

●        Put 1st Things 1st

●        Think Win-Win

●        Seek 1st to Understand, Then to be Understood

●        Synergize

●        Sharpen the Saw


Data Notebooks - Student keep track of

●        Grades

●        Personal Goals

●        Academic Goals

●        See A.B. Combs Video http://www.theleaderinme.org/what-is-the-leader-in-me/

Relationship Survey given to the students

Faculty meetings will be used to provide time for teacher collaboration on the development on Quad D lessons














Teachers & Students


Principal & Teachers




Opening Day faculty and student meeting


Monthly Faculty Meetings to analyze Attendance and Disciplinary Data






Progress and Report Card

Oct. Faculty Meeting

Sept - June

Goal Evaluation



Disciplinary Referrals










Are students able to reliably predict their progress

Determine areas to improve relationships

Bi-weekly DDI


Progress & Report Cards

January & June Regents Scores

 Goal 2:         Student Achievement  -  High School

The Brasher Falls Central School Board of Education will promote continual improvement of curriculum and instruction, in line with the Common Core Learning Standards, to raise the quality of student achievement.

Strategy:         To embed the philosophy and practices of the Common Core Learning Standards into everyday practices at BFCSD.

Target:             Increase the number of students earning 3s, 4s, and 5s on Regents exams from 78.79% to 80%.


Quad D lesson implementation

Close Reading - Annotating Strategies

Implementation Steps

Faculty meetings will be used to provide time for teacher collaboration on the development on Quad D lessons in order to increase students opportunity to practice applying Real World Applications

Students will be provided opportunities to practice subject specific annotating strategies

●        Subject Specific Bookmarks







Sept - June

Sept. - June

Goal Evaluation

Bi-weekly DDI


Progress & Report Cards

January & June Regents Scores

Bi-weekly DDI


Goal 3:          Student Achievement  -  High School  PLC

The Brasher Falls Central School Board of Education will promote continual improvement of curriculum and instruction, in line with the Common Core Learning Standards, to raise the quality of student achievement.

Strategy:          Implementation of focused vocabulary building strategies that will allow students to demonstrate knowledge of content through functional literacy.

Target:            Increase the number of students earning 3s, 4s, and 5s on Regents exams from 78.79% to 80%.


Vocabulary Building Strategies

Implementation Steps

Provide opportunities for students to practice applying

●        Analyze

●        Justify

●        Distinguish

●        Determine

●        Identify

●        Discuss





Sept. - Oct 20

Goal Evaluation

October PLC Meeting