Grants & Programs
Extended Day Program:
The Extended Day is an after school program for 4th-8th graders. Each day, students get free time in the gym, 50 minutes of homework/study help, and 50 minutes of a fun enrichment activity. Activities include cooking, crafts, swimming, science projects, and much more. We also go on a variety of field trips throughout the year.
The Extended Day program is held Tuesdays through Thursdays from 2:30-5:10; it will start in September. If students owe a teacher work, they must stay with the teacher until 3:25 and then come to the Extended Day program in the 5th grade classrooms; otherwise, all Extended Day students meet in the gym at 2:30. Students receive a free snack each day. Busing home is provided at 5:10.
You can view the District's emergency response plan at:
BFCSD District-Wide Safety Plan
Smart School Bond Act:
Smart Schools BOE Presentation 2018